Robins 2024 - 2025
Mrs Roberts
Welcome to Robins Class!
Mrs Roberts is the lead teacher in Robins class working with Miss Gabriel and Mrs Wood.
Throughout the year, Robins class will enjoy a variety of books together. Looking at them in depth and gaining a love for reading and books. Phonics will be taught using the scheme Read Write Inc. The related books for practise at home will be sent home/swapped every 3 days. Reading at home regularly has a significant impact on the progress children make with their reading and will form the main homework expectation. Any other homework will be shared via Teams.
Although we have our long term plan, these are subject to change in relation to childrens interests. We work with your child's current position in terms of development and interests and engage in their play. We extend their play based on their next developmental steps and support each child to become ready for their next stage. Please see the link below for more details.
We have PE on Tuesdays and Fridays so children need to arrive at school in their PE kits on these days. (But not the first day of term in September.)
We work alongside and sometimes with Kinfishers class in the afternoons.
We use Class Dojo to update you on of what we have been up to in class and as our reward system. Children collect Dojo's to spend in our virtual school shop.
If you can't find what you're looking for, please don't hesitate to get in touch via the admin email or Teams if you are a member of our class.
School cannot authorise term time holidays. Please ensure that you book all holidays for during school holidays. Please refer to the Working Together to Improve Attendance (August 19th 2024) document via the following link
The following links may be useful:
Reception White Rose Maths (videos and tasks) Early Years | White Rose Maths
BBC Bitesize Home - BBC Bitesize
Oxford Owl Pupil Home (
White Rose Maths 1 minute maths app